Week 5 - Guerilla Marketing: Creativity
Creativity seems like it would be one of the central themes of a concept like guerilla marketing. The entire theme orbits around the idea of leveraging platforms and methodologies that exist outside-the-box, where advertisement makes a memorable impact on the target consumer, based on a combination of focused messaging and unique delivery.
This dependency is outlined in the book, Guerilla Marketing. Specifically, it breaks down the various inputs required to come up with a strong marketing delivery method. Looking outside-in, you need to understand your competition, industry norms, current events and cultural trends. These bits and pieces can spark ideas on the “how” for market communication. From inside-out, you also need to consider your company culture, the product itself, and your own scope (how much interest do we want to generate, and with who?). Chapter 5 also reiterates the steps to successful marketing I’ve outlined in previous posts, while highlighting how creative marketing factors into each step.
I need to take a second to share my absolute favorite example of creative presentation I’ve ever seen in a television commercial. An advertisement for Tide stain remover has stuck with me it aired, doing exactly what you want it to do. On top of that, it did a great job airing the “problem” the product solves in a completely different, but relatable, light. If anyone’s interested, the original video is available through the link below, immortalized on YouTube.
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